AN 755: Implementing JESD204B IP Core System Reference Design with ARM HPS As Control Unit (Baremetal Flow)

ID 683776
Date 12/30/2015
Document Table of Contents ARM HPS Control Unit and Supporting Processor Peripherals

This section describes the following components:

  • ARM® HPS control unit
  • On-chip memory—provides general purpose data memory to the ARM® HPS
  • System ID (sysid)—a simple read-only device that provides the system with a unique identifier. The ARM® HPS uses this module to verify that an executable program is compiled targeting the actual hardware image configured in the target FPGA.
  • JTAG UART—transmits information between the ARM® HPS and user console
  • External ports parallel I/O (PIO)—provides memory-mapped access to/from the ARM® HPS from/to external ports. There are three external port PIO modules in the system:
    • fpga_dipsw_pio—4-bit input from on-board DIP switches
    • fpga_button_pio—4-bit input from on-board push buttons
    • fpga_led_pio—4-bit output to on-board LEDs
  • FPGA core control and status parallel I/O (PIO)
  • SPI master module
  • Interrupt latency counter (ILC)—measures in clock cycles the time taken from the moment an interrupt request (IRQ) signal is asserted until the interrupt service routine (ISR) begins
  • Avalon-MM bridge—provides single memory-mapped interface between the ARM® HPS lightweight HPS-to-FPGA bridge AXI interface and Avalon-MM peripherals in the FPGA core
  • JTAG-to-Avalon-Master bridge—facilitates System Console interface for debug purposes