Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents Widget Types and Properties

Table 15.  Toolkit API Widget Types and Properties
Name Description
enabled Enables or disables the widget.
expandable Controls whether the widget is expandable.
expandableX Allows the widget to resize horizontally if there is space available in the cell where it resides.
expandableY Allows the widget to resize vertically if there is space available in the cell where it resides.
foregroundColor Sets the foreground color.
maxHeight If the widget's expandableY is set, this is the maximum height in pixels that the widget can take.
minHeight If the widget's expandableY is set, this is the minimum height in pixels that the widget can take.
maxWidth If the widget's expandableX is set, this is the maximum width in pixels that the widget can take.
minWidth If the widget's expandableX is set, this is the minimum width in pixels that the widget can take.
preferredHeight The height of the widget if expandableY is not set.
preferredWidth The width of the widget if expandableX is not set.
toolTip Implements a mouse-over tooltip.
visible Displays the widget.