Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents Multiplexer Parameters

You can configure the following parameters for the multiplexer:

  • Number of Input Ports—The number of input interfaces that the multiplexer supports. Valid values are 2 to 16.
  • Scheduling Size (Cycles)—The number of cycles that are sent from a single channel before changing to the next channel.
  • Use Packet Scheduling—When this parameter is turned on, the multiplexer only switches the selected input interface on packet boundaries. Therefore, packets on the output interface are not interleaved.
  • Use high bits to indicate source port—When this parameter is turned on, the multiplexer uses the high bits of the output channel signal to indicate the origin of the input interface of the data. For example, if the input interfaces have 4‑bit channel signals, and the multiplexer has 4 input interfaces, the output interface has a 6-bit channel signal. If this parameter is turned on, bits [5:4] of the output channel signal indicate origin of the input interface of the data, and bits [3:0] are the channel bits that were presented at the input interface.