Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683364
Date 12/15/2018
Document Table of Contents

3.1.12. Platform Designer Address Decoding

Address decoding logic forwards appropriate addresses to each slave.

Address decoding logic simplifies component design in the following ways:

  • The interconnect selects a slave whenever it is being addressed by a master. Slave components do not need to decode the address to determine when they are selected.
  • Slave addresses are properly aligned to the slave interface.
  • Changing the system memory map does not involve manually editing HDL.
Figure 95. Address Decoding for One Master and Two SlavesIn this example, Platform Designer generates separate address decoding logic for each master in a system. The address decoding logic processes the difference between the master address width (<M>) and the individual slave address widths (<S>) and (<T>). The address decoding logic also maps only the necessary master address bits to access words in each slave’s address space.

Platform Designer controls the base addresses with the Base setting of active components on the System View tab. The base address of a slave component must be a multiple of the address span of the component. This restriction is part of the Platform Designer interconnect to allow the address decoding logic to be efficient, and to achieve the best possible fMAX.