Upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library

ID 766165
Date 4/04/2023

Upgrading from Intel® Media SDK to Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library and Industry-Standard Media Frameworks


The following changes are made to Intel(R) hardware accelerated media:

  • Intel® Media SDK is no longer an active project. Intel® oneVPL is the 2.x API successor to Intel® Media SDK.

  • Intel media strategy now includes FFmpeg* and GStreamer*, and interoperability with top AI frameworks such as OpenVINO*, TensorFlow*, and PyTorch*.

  • FFmpeg* and GStreamer* are the recommended starting points for hardware evaluation, as well as for cross-accelerator/cross-vendor development. Intel® oneVPL will focus on advanced feature access for Intel(R) GPUs. oneVPL CPU implementation is no longer active.

This guide helps you migrate to oneVPL to get the full benefits of your hardware.

See Media Capabilities Supported by Intel Hardware to learn more about media capabilities for various Intel(R) processors.

Intended Audience

This guide is for developers with applications written using Intel® Media SDK or who consider a new project accessing Intel(R) media hardware capabilities.

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